Circular 4, Term 2, 2019

Wednesday, 19 June, 2019

Dear Parents

I wasn’t planning on sending you another letter before half term but just a short one to say:

Please keep working on the balances that some of you have in your school fee payments. You have a fine school here and we all need to keep it that way.

Traffic in the car park
I cannot do better than to quote Mrs Dullabh verbatim in her last circular of first term on the matter.

“Parents must be aware of the need to take special care when driving in the school grounds. When parents practice proper school safety, it makes it easier to keep everyone safe. School car parks are incredibly busy places in the mornings when children arrive at school and in the afternoons at pickup time. Ensuring that no one gets hurt is our primary concern, but it requires everyone’s participation, especially parents. There has been some dangerous driving and parking in the school car park this term.


  • The speed limit in the car park is 10kph. The speed is set in the interest of the children using the car park. On more than one occasion, we have seen near-misses and there have been several collisions between cars, due to parents driving too fast. Some have been on cell phones.
  • Do not block cars already parked or double-park your car as this is a hazard to other vehicles entering or exiting the car park and therefore could endanger our pupils when they are entering or exiting the school.
  • Do not walk your children through the staff car park at any time. Please use the paths provided.
  • Security guards have been placed to ensure the safety of the children. Please listen to them. DO NOT ABUSE THEM.”

Lastly, once again just to wish you all a safe and enjoyable half term break and trusting that as many of you as possible will be able to have some quality time with your children.

Yours faithfully


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